Part7: Juxtaposition

Posted by Panda Lemas on 11:29 AM
The juxtapositon. Weird, but that's how we derived a new ideas by placing two words together and change everything about it by a few methods that's so interesting.

It could be defined as:
Juxtaposition can be defined as placing two variable, side by side and their contrast or similarity are shown through comparison. Many creative processes rely on juxtaposition. By juxtaposing two objects or words next to each other, human brain will automatically associate or transfer meaning. Usually ‘turning’ something familiar to something less familiar or vice-versa.
(taken from the lecture notes)

Up there is the exercise in our class about juxtaposition. The exercise were so much fun and it is almost like we have no class at all.

1) We have to copy all the words shown in the slide and make it into 2 columns.
2) Put numbers to each words
3) Think 3 sets of 2 numbers between 0 to 99
4) Pair each words in the column according to the number that we've chose
5) Make a sentence according to the words that we have paired.
6) Visualize the sentence in our own drawing
7) Make the words that we have paired to become one word.
8) Draw something new according to that new word!

And thats how we had so much fun!

Another exercise that we have done was about create a poem according to the words that the lecturer gave to us. In the class, he gave us the word "chilli" and he asked us to create a romantic poem based on that words.

So, i used the creative method thinking that is "mind mapping" and got this ideas!

*yes the handwriting are a bit off... i was in a hurry!*

And from that mind map, i easily get this poem for my lover by describing him symbolically by using the chilli~

And that's it. enough for now! :)

Part 6: Associated mind map

Posted by Panda Lemas on 11:12 AM
Associated mind map. Definitely a new different way of creating new idea and a new thing. To make an associated mind map, think of a word as the title and expand it with another words that got nothing to do with it. Just write what appears in your mind and that's how you get an associated mind map.

That's the exercise in our class regarding to the associated mind map. We have to choose 3 words from the associated mind map *which we still don't have it in the mmls, that's why i cant upload the picture of that mind map and put it here* and we have to creatively change the function of the mortar and pestle fir the future according to the words that we have chose.

In the mind map;

1) The mortar and pestle can be used as a "weapon". They can be used to shoot people, hit people and the best of all, zoom in to people! what a great and dangerous weapon. :p

2) The mortar and pestle also can also become a tool to worship the "devil".... who knows this thing could happen right? this is the future that we cant see as nowadays mortar and pestle were used to make sambal belacan... :D

3) The mortar and pestle are the symbol of beauty in the future. When a girl wins a beauty paegant, the mortar and peslte will be used as the crown to pronounce that she is "beautiful"~! *I personally think this is as a joke but who knows? maybe in the future... that's what happen in the beauty field... :p*
