( brilliant ideas are often closer than what you think)
In the Week 3rd class, we were talking about novelty, creativity, innovation and invention. I was again, being exposed to another different world where i have not able to break through to it before. However, so far.. i do understand that a CREATIVE person, generates new ideas. They are the problem solver, where they think of some global issues or problems and they are able to create a new inventions to solve the problems. They are the producer. Their ideas help others.
Production on the other hand, must have values and it supposed to be unique. Pixar are the first one who produce 3D animation that is the Toy Story 1 and before that, no one have ever valued 3D animation. No one have ever think about to create a 3D animation until Pixar succeed to make it. And so do like the rap music, where now it is becoming most of the global music.
Creativity, is a process of generating new ideas and new things. It is not happening only in people's head but it is the formation and interaction between many people. It involves the audiences and the person who had the idea. The Rome wasnt built in one day... that's how we can say about creative stuffs. Being creative is such a subjective matters and not everyone can really become one. Some people do have the idea but they cant think out of the box. Hey, creativity involve many processes, where many ideas are combined and become one. in the process, peoples got involve within the interactions and communications. They give options, responses, ideas, and appreciation. It is important to grab the key of creativity process that is, clear, simple and functional. (click on the video link down there, you will see how creativity solve a problem. :)
The creativity process involve this another factor called NOVELTY. What is novelty? In the lecture notes, Novelty is the quality of being new. It goes to the roots of the problems where the problems are well defined and well researched. It has the originality value. I believe, novelty is a moral value in a creation or production that has this genuine quality. It maybe a creation or just an invention but as long as it is genuine, it has that novelty value. Look at the right side picture where we can see this man holding an umberella and this invention has been innovate to be multifunction. An umberella is not only to prevent oneselves from getting wet under the rain but the rain water are collected and being processed along the tube to become drinking water. Creative? Sure... Innovative? YES. No one has ever think to create something like this before. Thus, this creation has its own value. Genuine is not a decisive feature of creative work and novelty in creativity is always based on what has been created before.
An innovation are usually comes when a creation can be improved to be something better. People always want something new, something better. From that wants, innovation process were born. Some creation cant fulfill some needs and wants... that's where the innovation process takes place. Human's brain has many answers from many questions. And this is where this creative and innovative people creating or inventing a solution to all the questions.
The creativity, novelty, and innovation are the foundation of an invention. Invention is a creation. It could be anything. A design. Design of something that solving problems. The product of creativity, novelty and innovation process. Everything happens from a question and this question has the answers. That is why invention exists. To answer the needs that follows together with the creativity, novelty and innovation phase.
(some of the early invention)